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Life is better off

∞ Monday, December 5, 2011 @ 6:40 PM

Set your own.

She's just beautifully sexy.

Missed 2papers due to Chickenpox, gonna' sit for them in mere 2days. Pretty nervous since they could be the one which can subsidize the cost of my dream route. Been comtemplating between Ireland & West Virginia, never been to anywhere near those places before. &What about my life here in Singapore? I'm a wreck now, always getting stressed up and thinking all sorts of nonsense.

Just few days ago I've told Bf that I may be a Philosophy Genius, just that nobody noticed that yet. Are there any tests for that? Because right now my mind's a universally extended map.

Microeconomics & Accounts, either As or Cs, Bs are nothing but 'happy results' in disguise.


∞ Saturday, September 24, 2011 @ 11:35 PM

Sparks Fly
It's been awhile.
Gone are the days of freedom, who says high school's stressful? Wait till they get to Tertiary level. On a second thought, it's not that tough though it's better to say a mixture of both. There's new friends who truly cares in replacement of tutors who never bothers. The modules I take are kinda useful as well; though I won't say I liked them, but appreciate. But there's things that annoys me, or maybe I'm always annoyed by the surroundings - I find that I may have one of the worst EQ amongst everyone I know; truthfully - I'm not a good person at all. Smiles*

Grandma's not well. I'm praying for her everyday. She's not my biological grandmother; we aren't related in any sense in regards to blood ties. Though it's more like a kind of love that is more projected to someone you truly cares, no?

An entry of thoughts.

∞ Saturday, August 13, 2011 @ 12:39 AM

What worries you, matters to you.

Supposed blogging's my last resolve, I have so many things on my mind now I don't think a to-do-list helps anymore; perhaps I just need a break. It's like my biggest pet peeve for people to keep assume I'm in the wrong when they don't know the whole story behind it, I mean I tell you things I'm vex about because I believed that you know me, but all these assumptions comes from no where and I get even more annoyed. It sucks to know that people who you think knows you the best are the ones who don't know anything. :/

&Yeah, assumptions just sucks big time. I get a lot from people saying that "Oh, you're so efficient in your work and all you're sure to get great results." "Hey you're smart you're ambitious you're etc let me ask you something ..." Yes those may seem to be nothing but compliments to you, but I hate these kinda things cause people don't know the story behind it so even if they're just words, it hurts at times.

Or perhaps I'm just a little too sensitive. I don't really care anymore.

I hope all my hard work won't go down to waste, just a simple reminder like how I lost my lecture notes today made me stress till this extent. Because 1. When I lost my lecture notes, 2. There will be a test next week. 3. I won't really get to study the relevant stuff. 4. I will waste a lot of time. 5. I won't have enough time to do my tutorials & practice my speech. 6. I can't revise all the modules before Monday. 7. I probably won't be as prepared as some other people. 8. I may not do as well? 9. I may not get the GPA I aimed for. 10. I know I'm so negative you want to strangle me but you can't deny those are not the possibilities.

Alright, think positive from now.

∞ Friday, May 20, 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Those were yesterday's feelings.
Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change.
But pretty soon, everything's different. --

I'm done with my enrolment procedures, all that's left for me to do is to wait 2weeks in order to make my Student Card. This is like the 1st step to adulthood, &I'm super :/ for the orientation; dreading it because being sociable to strangers's out of the question. Sometimes I think I'm having trouble with myself =.= Anyway, been addicted to spending money recently, splurging's kinda like my new method to relieving stress. Bought 2 shoes & gonna buy 2 tops & 2 bottoms soon. The best buy is still my bag uh, but I'm like hating myself for spending away 1 month of salary ): Need get a new phone, new laptop, more clothes & so on!

&Actually I've been looking forward to so many things I wantttt to do this Holidays, but it ended up being cancelled or postponed due to many things I haveeee to do. Sighs, &my love life's screwed too. Horoscope said that it'll all handle by itself, I don't see the situation improving any bit. /Zzz & why can't I find Gossip Girl Ep16 online?! I'm like cursing those who put fake videos on Youtube to death. Okay bye.

Stop comparing yourself to others, you're your own person.

∞ Monday, February 28, 2011 @ 8:06 PM

Beauty of own reality.

I'm feeling indifferent about my own life right now, I'm supposed to be jumping for joy for all the things I have. To be honest, this part of my life's one of the greatest time I'd ever have. Holiday, Work, Love, Money, Satisfying O' level Results, Good JAE Results, New Hairstyle etc etc. All these are the things I've always wanted for my life! &Yet I can't feel happiness, why oh why? I guess I'm just taking things for granted, am I? If so I want to stop & feel happy.

1. I'm posted to the following

2. I successfully managed to cut 2cm of my fringe today.
3. Dermatologist said that I got Eczema. Bad news before CNY.
4. I'll have the entire office room to myself tomorrow!
5. I wonder why I'm sleepy yet I can't sleep.

Oh & I'm drifting away from all my friends, hahah. Growing up is hard to do, searched all over Facebook for old primary school friends & one of them turns out a succeeded mad scientist. I'm so afraid of future =.= Like so many people are working so hard, and I'm not progressing at all towards my dream. I'm like, sad. Maybe that's why I don't feel happy at all. I really need someone to tell me something I need to hear.

∞ Thursday, January 27, 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Memories of a dream in reality.
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